At Chemrade Software we are continuously improving our platform so users have a pleasant and reliable experience with the application. Lately we released a new product feature that automatically recognizes invalid CAS numbers and sends a notification to the user in order to change it.
Chemicals can be described in many different ways, for example by molecule formula, chemical structure, and generic and systematic tradenames. This can result in unclarity, confusion and sometimes serious safety issues. For this reason, a unique CAS-number is assigned to every chemical substances. Chemicals and their CAS number are centrally registered in the CAS Registry®. From inventory and safety points of view, the CAS number is a valuable tool that quickly provides reliable and accurate information regarding chemicals to users of the substances. It is therefore extremely important to prevent an invalid CAS-number to a certain chemical in your database.

With the new product feature in Chemrade, invalid CAS numbers are recognized automatically and in time by the platform. Users receive a warning notification that enables them to correct the CAS number related to that chemical substance. In this way, the right information (e.g. physical-chemical characteristics) is registered in Chemrade and offers users a flawless and worry-free experience with their chemical risk assessment to ensure a healthy workplace to employees.